The Self-Improvement ‘Plan’

Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio

Frank Lloyd Wright’s home and studio

I was jogging through my neighborhood the other day. I should note that I live in Oak Park, Illinois, which is where famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright kept his home and studio. The area is filled with buildings he designed. Most are homes and you can take a walking tour of them. I’ve been on the tour before, but I decided to jog by the historic district because A) I’m a total architecture nerd and B) it’s a great view. I stopped and took a few photos on my phone.

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Waiting for Spring

Blooming treeI took this picture on Tuesday when I saw a blooming tree for this first time this spring. Up until that point, everything still looked pretty dead. Just branches, no leaves. I’m happy to say that this isn’t the only tree in my neighborhood that’s showing signs of life. There are washes of green, pink and white throughout the area. I expect spring to be in full bloom soon…I hope.

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The Art of Productive Procrastination: Beginnings

Orvieto It’s confession time: Whenever I don’t know what to do with a new idea or am scared to start working, I procrastinate by reading a book about the craft of writing. I like to call it “Productive procrastination.” I’m leaning something that can help me grow as a writer while simultaneously avoiding my current project. As you’ve probably guessed by now, I’m reading a new book. This time, it’s “The Modern Library Writer’s Workshop: A Guide to the Craft of Fiction.”

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5-Hour Skirt

Finishing the Seams I didn’t have the fabric or pattern to make the pieces I had planned for my next Victorian outfit, so I decided to make a simple skirt for era daywear. It’s an A line that I imagine the wearer would use for physical activity or in the home. I’m surprised because I started it at 5:30 last night and finished it by 10:30. I knew the A line would real easy to complete, but I usually don’t have the patience to sew that many hours consecutively. Anyway, here are some pictures of it in the making and an outfit I put together:

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It’s a Great Big (Literary) World, and Other Thoughts

Go read this, creators!

Go read this, creators!

I think I need to attend conventions. Writing ones where authors and agents gather to tell you how your story can be “fixed.” Though I say it with a bit of sarcasm, I really do feel I need to get connected to the literary community if I ever have hopes of publishing something. Networking is the way to get noticed, or so they say. That fact feels rather daunting for me, as I am inherently introverted. The idea of walking up to some strong agent and pitching my stories is more than a little frightening.

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