Cersei Coronation Cosplay: Dress Mockup

cersei, lannister, cosplay, game, of, thrones, got, season, 6, dress, coronation, mockup, pattern, sewing, how, to, sew, cosplayer

Creating the dress pattern was a bit of a process, so bear with me while I go through everything. Doing a mockup before cutting into the actual fabric was a must because I made the pattern and the materials are pricey. I didn’t want to make a mistake on the costly stuff and instead let myself mess up on cheap fabric. No matter what kind of sewing you do, and even if you buy a pattern, you should ALWAYS do a mockup. I’m guilty of not taking my own advice in the past, and trust me, it didn’t always pay off. Plan a trial run in your cosplay timelines.

Now, enough advice. Here’s how I made the pattern for my Cersei cosplay:

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Cersei Coronation Cosplay: The Underskirt

I’m finally getting back into cosplay. I took a hiatus after GenCon, but I’m back in action, trying to finish this next project for C2E2 in April. As the title suggests, I’m making Cersei’s coronation gown from season six of “Game of Thrones.” I love this dress so much. It tells me everything I need to know about Cersei’s state of mind with just a glance, and that’s exactly what great design does. So this cosplay is my love letter to the amazing costume design.

Anyway, the first step was making an underskirt. The dress only hooks closed from the neck to the waist, leaving the bottom of the skirt open. In some shots, it splits apart, giving us a peak of the underskirt. I wanted to use a fabric that had some texture but wouldn’t distract from the dress. So, I went with a thick black fabric that had a velvety design on it. My camera had a difficult time picking up the print, so sorry for the lack of detail.

Additionally, the underskirt is a necessary part of this costume because it hides the petticoat. The dress has a bit of a bell shape, which I can’t achieve without foundational garments.

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