Stretching My Creative Muscles

I keep feeling like I’m on the verge of creativity. Some part of me desperately wants and needs to create. The only issue is…well a couple things.

I’m out of practice
Between working my “9 to 5,” figuring out how to live on my own and establishing new, strong relationships, I feel like I haven’t had time to do creative things. Basically, I’m out of practice. Part of me fears that if I don’t make something right now that I’ll lose the ability forever. I know it’s not that urgent, but “I’ll try tomorrow” can become “I’ll try next week,” or even “I”ll try next month,” and so on until I stop making new things. I don’t want that to happen.

I’m uninspired
Perhaps being uninspired has a lot to do with being out of practice. Not only are my creation muscles unworked, so are my motivational muscles. I need a workout (OK, so not the best metaphor, but remember, I’m rusty at this)! I need to find that thing that pushes me to redesign my life in some way. On a positive note, I watched the premiere of Downton Abbey, season 4 and I immediately decided to decorate my kitchen to reflect the Edwardian period. So that may be something…not holding my breath.

I’ll get past this one way or another. I think I just have to jump back in and let myself produce some mediocre work before I remember what the good stuff feels like.

Dear Readers,

To those out there that have a passion in life,

Keep at it! I watched a video today that featured someone who clearly has talent. For some reason, this fun little video moved me. Here I am, sitting on my bed, playing video games and bumming around the internet when I stumble upon a person who has mastered something. I know I’m young and I can’t expect to have reached the 10,000 hours it takes to perfect a skill, but I don’t feel like I’m putting many more hours into it.

I do have some. I write all day at my 9 to 5  job and by the end of it I feel like my ability to form coherent sentences has been used up. Ergo, I avoid writing anything for my own benefit, fearing it will suck and just be a waste of time anyway.

I don’t feel creatively motivated right now, but I also don’t look for inspiration. I let myself slip into consumer land where I just take in a bunch of nonsense instead of filling my time with the pursuit of something meaningful (damn you, Netflix!)

However, I need to get myself out of this place one way or another. My resolution for 2014 is to complete a writing project. As of right now, I haven’t even started. In fact, I have no ideas! I’ve got a long way to go…

Staying positive
It’s hard for me to stay positive when looking at where I’m at now. How am I supposed to suddenly generate a worth while idea anyhow? I guess the best I can do is just write and hope it comes to me. Or I can write something mediocre and learn some skills for the next time around.

I can also look for inspiration. I need some good films, exciting art or creative novels to set me on the right track.

Do your thing
If you’ve got a passion in life, you need to pursue it! It’s people like you who motivate the rest of us. Like that kid dancing in the video, I want to see your work.